Microsoft Word vs. Word of God: Similarities and Dissimilarities

All of us would agree that Microsoft Word (MS Word) is one of the best document processing software available to modern day humans; at least for the time being – till that fateful day if and when monkeys learn typing. Hope you remember that grinning macaque (fancy name for a monkey) who on some Indonesian island stumbled upon an unattended camera, took a selfie and then got into a copyright battle with the wildlife lensman in circa 2015. (Monkey Selfie Lawsuit) [1]  Nonetheless, lets come back to the topic – I wanted to tell you that while installing the latest update of MS Word, I got lost for a few seconds in a stream of fantasy before pulling myself back to reality. I realized a striking concoction of similar as well as contrasting features in ‘MS Word’ – a software that processes our documents and the ‘Word of God’ – the software that processes our hearts. Let me give you a glimpse of what I deciphered:


The Parable of the Mustard Seed identifies the Word of God with the “smallest of all seeds,” (Mark 4:31) which illustrates that it is ‘micro’ – just like the first two syllables of Mi-cro-soft when excluding the third one. Also, MS Word and the Word of God are fundamentally simple in terms of usage and practical application; perhaps, it is for this reason that the former is a favourite of university students who use it to navigate through assignments and the latter is a favourite of students of life who use it to navigate through human experience. In case of MS Word it’s the ‘installer program’ which guides you through the installation process on your machine; however, when it comes to the Word of God it’s the holy spirit who guides you through the installation process in your heart. Moreover, similar to the post-installation process of MS Word – free product updates and online help is available even for the Word of God once its installed in your heart; all you have to do is read scriptures to update it within yourself on a daily basis and dial 1800-PRAY-TO-JESUS toll-free in case you require any assistance (He is just a phone call prayer away). 

mustard seed


Think about it – your use of MS Word is subject to the terms and conditions of the licence agreement by which you acquired that software; however, God does not believe in a transaction based relationship – the Word of God is like an open-source software available to us for free. Remarkably, MS Word lets you edit documents with the classic (Cut, Copy and Paste) but the Word of God does not; for “every word of God is flawless” (Proverbs 30:5). Also, while installing MS Word, “we’ll be done in just a moment” is the message that splashes on the screens, considering the fact that we are an impatient generation that values instant gratification; but, the Word of God does not make any such claims for it does not endorse quick fix solutions. The psalmist supposedly thought on similar lines when he said, “create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). To configure and update the Word of God in your heart is an on-going process that is part of our daily life, and not a one-time event.

Microsoft on its website currently gives you the option to ‘Try Microsoft 365 for Free’ and use MS Word on a trial basis for a period of one month. Guess what? You can do the same with the Word of God – just in case you are one of those who is yet to develop a habit of reading the bible every day. Let me then highlight three reasons for why you should install the Word of God in your heart: 1] Spell check and auto-correct the emotional baggage which we carry from previous experiences. 2] Custom create built-in collaboration between the heart and mind to make balanced decisions. 3] Save and print a new format of your own self which is more compatible with the Kingdom of God.

All in all, the Word of God is much more than just a basic heart processing software. As a user you can rely on it to create a better and hopefully a nearly perfect version of your own self; it will ensure that every dimension of your life is flawless. Therefore, go and read the bible!

Bro Sunil Godinho

[1] Accessed on 14.6.2020: 

How to be a Faithsmith?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1); in essence the Word of God always existed in eternity from the beginning of time. Drawing a parallel from Geology, I would say it’s somewhat like the ‘ore’ which is quarried from deep within the earth’s crust where it always existed from the beginning of planets. Hence, from an allegorical point of view one can say that the eternal ‘Word’ which is explored through scriptures and the temporal ‘ore’ which is extracted through mining are somewhat analogous in nature.

Secondly, we are also told that the Word of God is “sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit” (Hebrews 4:12); therefore, I particularly choose here to liken it with ‘iron ore’ which is used as a rudimentary raw material in sword making. A lump of ‘iron ore’ is the starting point for making not just swords but almost everything – from the vehicle in which you travel, appliances that you use to the utensils in your kitchen. However, to process the ‘iron ore’ and transform it into the aforementioned items involves some serious hard work and this is where a blacksmith comes in. Just like the psalmist who stores up the Word of God in his heart (Psalm 119:11) so does the blacksmith store up ‘iron ore’ in the furnace which is the heart of the bloomery – a workshop where all the processing work happens. The ‘blacksmith’ heats the ‘iron ore’ in the furnace by continuously stoking it with bellows and then works on it by hammer beating it on the anvil to create a variety of products that benefit numerous people.

Ponder this: coal forges in a blacksmith’s workshop reach temperatures of roughly 1,600 C – its mighty hot in there I must say. And the blacksmith has some painstaking and meticulous work to do almost every day. So, the point is what can we learn from the hardworking blacksmith? No, I am not asking you to become a blacksmith! As an alternative, consider becoming a ‘faithsmith’ – a newly coined word which simply popped into my head out of nowhere. The titles ‘faithsmith’ and ‘blacksmith’ don’t just rhyme together but also entail a somewhat similar role to be played; in very different contexts though. A few lines ago, I described what a ‘blacksmith’ exactly does (see last line of previous paragraph) ; likewise, the ‘faithsmith’ processes the Word of God in the heart by unceasingly stoking it with prayer and then works on it by providing service in the world to create a rich and abundant harvest that benefits numerous people.

We need to “be doers of the word, and not hearers” (James 1: 22); only by putting the word of God into practise through selfless service can we bear fruit in the Lord’s vineyard. How foolish would the blacksmith be considered if he chose to only heat the ore and rejected to work it on the anvil? Similar would be the fate of the disciple of Jesus Christ who takes delight in prayer but disregards one’s duties and responsibilities towards those in need. We need to remind ourselves, that “faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead” (James 2:17).

– Bro Sunil Godinho

Don’t be a Baa Baa ‘Blank’ Sheep!

Yes, don’t be a Baa Baa ‘Blank’ Sheep. No, not that poor ‘black sheep’ from the classic nursery rhyme which all of us are familiar with, but a ‘blank sheep’. And I’ll tell you why. In transitive British spoken ‘to blank someone’ means to deliberately ignore someone, as if you have not seen or heard them – and we do that most if not all the time to Jesus Christ, don’t we? All of us are guilty of times when we ignored the voice of the Shepherd and chose instead to dance with the wolves of vices. So, what’s the difference between a ‘black sheep’ who has black wool and a ‘blank sheep’ who may have white wool?

Firstly, the ‘black sheep’ from the 17th century nursery rhyme was most probably considered to be an odd or disreputable member of the group because the wool industry prefers white wool; one of the reasons why shepherds even till this day consider the ‘black sheep’ as a liability. But Jesus the Chief Shepherd would never discriminate even if you or me were to be one of His ‘black sheep’, “for God does not show favouritism” (Rom 2:11). He would be more that delighted with the ‘three bags full’ of inferior quality wool that has been offered faithfully. As Saint Teresa of Calcutta aptly said, “God does not require that we be successful only that we be faithful.

The ‘Black Sheep’ waiting for the Shepherd

On the other hand, the ‘blank sheep’ though successful with its valuable white wool in contrast may not be faithful; for it deliberately chooses not to acknowledge the shepherd even though he is trying hard to get its attention. The blank sheep refuses to admit that the role of a leader is reserved for the shepherd, not the flock. Besides, human experience has taught us that being ignored hurts, even by a stranger. One can only imagine how left out and disappointed Jesus might be feeling with his ‘blank sheep’ willingly ignoring all that he has to say through the scriptures. As the psalmist said, “they have ears, but do not hear” (Ps 115:6).

The ‘Blank Sheep’ blanking the Shepherd

Personally, I feel the black sheep is way better and much likable for it not just serves the master and the lady but is also thoughtfully considerate towards the little child who lives across the lane. Let me then draw a comparison between the act of the black sheep and our own lives. What can we learn from it? Well, we can certainly continue to serve our Master and Lord Jesus Christ, his bride the Church (Eph 5:25) and also never forget the little ones who live across and even on the lane. 

– Bro Sunil Godinho 

The Jesus-You Stock Exchange (JYSE): A bourse where every stock reaps rich dividends. 

September 2, 2017 | Reflection on Matthew 25: 14-30 | Saturday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time

Jesus invites us this day to invest our ‘talent and skills’ as stocks in JYSE (Jesus You Stock Exchange) which is a symbiotic relationship between Jesus and You; hence the acronym JYSE. Unlike the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) that is located at ‘Wall Street’ in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, the JYSE stands tall at ‘Paul Street’; named after the passionate Saint Paul whose letters helped develop the early Christian faith. 

Investing in the JYSE is safe for it is insulated from the shocks of market volatility; no stock market bubbles or false valuations here, because nothing hides from the Lords eyes. It is remarkable to note that the market here is bullish on growth with great returns for all those who invest their talents wholeheartedly; however, those who have reservations and choose to invest reluctantly are victims of a bearish market with substandard returns. The amount of talents you choose to invest is directly proportional to the value of dividends one receives in the form of love, peace and happiness; which is a much preferable currency compared to the USD, Euro or the new kid on the block known as ‘Bitcoin’. 

The floor brokers on the trading floor of JYSE are none other than the angels of the Heavenly Father who often cheer whenever they succeed in helping us overcome temptations, and please note that they work overtime to protect our investments, that too without demanding a commission like the average stock broker at NYSE; the NYSE is the symbol of ‘American Capitalism’, the JYSE embodies ‘God’s Mercy’

– Br. Sunil Godinho 

Have you read the ‘About Me’ section which is on the profile page of Christ Jesus? 

September 1, 2017 | Reflection on Matthew 25: 1-13 | Friday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time

Imagine yourself walking down a lane on a few roadblocks away from your parish after a Sunday morning mass. You happen to bump into Jesus on the sidewalk and are all excited to have met your cherished friend face-to-face in person that is so much better and preferable compared to sending him text messages on his messanger through one-liner prayer requests. With a warm smile and mixed emotions, you approach him to give him a friendly hug to express how much he means to you and to your utter surprise, the Lord suddenly pushes you away while saying, “Truly I do not know you”. You would instantly feel dejected and rejected out of the blue, isn’t it? This is exactly how the careless bridesmaids of today’s gospel felt when Christ restricted them from participating in the wedding feast celebrations. 

Coming back to our visualisation exercise, you try to plead the Lord by reminding him of all your previous chat conversations on messanger but the Lord interrupts you and takes out his phone to let you glance through his Facebook account. You are startled to discover that the Lord hasn’t added you as a ‘Friend’, no not yet; and all this while your messages were not given priority because you are not on his Facebook ‘friend list’. To be in his friend list you have to first and foremost read through the ‘About Me’ section on his profile page for he, just like the most of us does not prefer accepting unsolicited friend requests from strangers. That ‘About Me’ section of Jesus Christ is none other than that book which helps us to find real beauty in ourselves, others and all that which surrounds us: ‘the Bible’. The Bible is like a ‘blog’ of Jesus Christ that has life lessons which are blissfully eternal in nature.

The scriptures are the ‘About Me’ section on God’s social media profile; you have to read through it to learn more about him and what’s in it for you.

So read through the scriptures for then Christ may be delighted to receive not just your ‘Friend Requests’ but will also encourage you with ‘likes’ and inspiring ‘comments’ on all the good things which you post on the timeline of life. You may also choose to FaceTime with him when you look at the sacred ‘Host’ in prayer while visiting the Blessed Sacrament. BTW, let’s not send him selfish prayer requests for they are like those annoying ‘pokes’ that you receive on Facebook. If you face any challenges in the process, do not hesitate to ask Mother Mary for help via the Rosary; she can click ‘Suggest Friends’ and put forward a consideration so that you may be part of his ‘Friends List’. 

– Br. Sunil Godinho 

A cup of coffee and a tête-à-tête with Jesus Christ.

August 31, 2017 | Reflection on Matthew 24: 42-51 | Thursday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time

On this day, the Lord exhorts us to stay ‘awake and be alert’. Sin is a very addictive ‘Hallucinogenic Drug’ which causes substantial subjective changes in thoughts, emotions and consciousness by altering the state of mind to be in a constant state of drowsiness leading to senseless behaviour and slothful inactivity. As disciples of Christ, it’s our duty to be awake and alert at all times so that we may ‘on his arrival’ not disappoint Christ due to our fallen human nature that is prone to sin. When I say ‘on his arrival’, I am not just referring to the second coming of Christ but also alluding our duty of encountering Christ in every human being; especially in the most poor and vulnerable like the saint Mother Teresa who is now recognised as Saint Teresa of Calcutta. 

I see Jesus in every human being. I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I serve becuase I love Jesus. – Mother Teresa.

Most of us during our days of school have had experiences of staying up late nights studying for the next days academic exams. It’s difficult to stay awake and alert while studying under a dim table lamp of slothful sinfulness which causes strain on the eyes; however, you may choose to switch off that only dim lamp kept on the table and switch on prayer fuelled ultra-bright room lamps that will activate the brain and keep you awake for they are illuminated with the light of Christ. 

It’s also advisable to sip on small frequent doses of coffee over long periods of time when you have to keep awake and alert. Prayer is like the cup of coffee that is brewed from the roasted beans of the love of God. There are different types of prayers just like the different types of coffee drinks; you may choose anyone that suits you ranging from the refreshing Taizé worship prayer which is like a refreshing Cappuccino, the calm Jesus Prayer like that of a Café Latte or the Rosary which keeps one grounded in Christ like that of an Espresso. I personally prefer the full-flavored, concentrated Double Shot Espresso. What about You? Would you like to share a cuppa coffee with Jesus? 

Here it is! Go ahead and pick your cup for he has already poured one for you. Cheers!

– Br. Sunil Godinho 

Dr. Jesus Christ – Cardiac Surgeon | Instant Appointment, Zero Risk, No Fees

August 30, 2017|Reflection on Matthew 23: 27-32|Wednesday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s gospel we hear Christ comparing the hypocrite scribes and Pharisees to ‘white-washed tombs‘. Whitewashing is a process of covering a soiled wall surface with low-cost cheap paint that is more commonly known as quick lime. The Pharisees too had white washed their ‘heart wall‘ with the cheap paint of hypocrisy so that their wickedness may not be suspected; for they knew that simply projecting a counterfeit outside personality is inexpensive compared to genuinely working towards developing a strong character from within. 

Medical science and human anatomy says that the ‘heart wall‘ is made up of three layers: the outer epicardium, the middle myocardium, and the inner endocardium. Let’s not get into details like that of a cardiologist,  but the point is that we cannot whitewash our hearts to become a better person in our lives and relationships. However, we could invite the Holy Trinity to dwell in our heart, so that the Heavenly Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, all of the three may correspondingly reside in each of those three layers of our heart; thereby sanctifying our feelings, emotions and our lives to make us the best possible version of ourselves. Remarkably, there is a limit to the amount of sin that one can accumulate in their heart, and as soon as that limit is exceeded they experience misery and despair come upon them. Hypocrisy, in my personal opinion is one of those sins that has the potency to push one exceed that limit faster; so let’s not simple whitewash our hearts, but ask the Lord for grace to build it anew from the ground up with the solid foundation of a strong character. 

– Br. Sunil Godinho 

Hypocrisy is an illness, just like Leprosy. Don’t lose hope, it’s curable!

August 28, 2017 | Reflection on Matthew 23: 13-22 | Monday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time

The truth hurts, but let’s accept the fact that we are all hypocrites in one way or another. The word ‘hyp-o-crite’ comprises three syllables that are correspondingly similar to the three primary ways in which we usually perpetuate it in our lives: by breaking promises, breaching trust & pretending to be that which one is not. 

Hypocrisy is an illness, just like Leprosy. Don’t lose hope, its curable!

In today’s gospel, when Christ says, ‘woe to you hypocrites’, he is essentially prescribing for them to consume a three letter bitter pill branded as ‘woe’, considering his role of an expert physician specialising in healing of the soul. Borrowing some medical terminology, I would like to describe ‘woe’ as a type of bitter medication which includes three very potent active ingredients: wisdom, optimism and empathy (woe). The Oxford English dictionary defines ‘woe’ as extreme sorrow and distress and great people in the past have said that even the most wretched person on the planet when experiences extreme sorrow and distress emerges to be wiser, optimistic and more empathetic towards others; because that which does not break you makes you stronger, isn’t it? Nevertheless, there is another nutritional supplement for acquiring the benefits of the aforementioned active ingredients without having to swallow the bitter pill: it’s prayer and meditation on the ‘Word of God’; let’s hope most of us are better off consuming this appetizing alternative supplement on a daily basis as a preventive measures to counter hypocrisy in our own lives.

– Br. Sunil Godinho 

The ‘gates of hell’ will never prevail against the Church.

August 27, 2017 | Reflection on Matthew 16: 13-20 | 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

It should fill our hearts with immense hope and courage to relentlessly continue our fight against all those evil forces in modern society when Christ says that ‘the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church’. Dark perverted forces which are propelled primarily by a few misguided and self-proclaimed intelligentsia who possess great influence over media, politics, business, economy and culture. They oppose gospel truths and persecute the people of God perhaps because they have unfortunately conditioned themselves to ignore the voice of conscience. The church may have been foiled in recent battles considering the allegations on a handful of its ministers who were led astray by the chief of fallen angels – Lucifer: the evil magician who blindfolded them from the light of Christ by gifting temptations crafted in artful deceit. However, we are assured that during the final war the Church will rise to conquer and dispel all that which is inconsistent with the plan of God.

– Br. Sunil Godinho